Advertising Rates

ADVERTISING business directory ensures that your website will be the most effective place to advertise. Why? Because by enhancing a basic listing, advertisers can provide customized information to draw more attention to their products and services and make their listings stand out. In addition, search results go beyond the directory to increase exposure across your whole website in a visual, intuitive, and effective way. These features will make you the go-to source for business advertising in your area or niche.


Advertising is a crucial tool in building brand awareness and increasing sales.  Singapore Business Directory “” is the most heavily trafficked community guide site in Singapore. To help you reach the thousands of people who view every week, we’ve created two basic sponsorship categories: business listings and banner advertisements.


Singapore Business Directory “” truly views low-cost advertising opportunities as a service we provide to our members.  There are a variety of ways to grow your business through advertising with Singapore Business Directory “”. 


We have several advertising styles and options available for advert placement in the Singapore Business Directory “”. Take advantage of our range of advertising options so you are free to make choices you believe will best suit your business and budget.


Advertising Rates

Website Ads

Header Ads (728 pixels width x 90 pixels height)

$200 SGD for 1 month

$500 SGD for 3 months



Footer Ads (728 pixels width x90 pixels height)

$150 SGD for 1 month

$400 SGD for 3 months



Sidebar Ads (300 pixels width x 250 pixels height)


$90 SGD for 1 month

$250 SGD for 3 months



Sidebar Ads (160 pixels width x 600 pixels height)

$180 SGD for 1 month

$450 SGD for 3 months



Website Directory Listing for lifetime

$180 SGD for a lifetime listing

$360 SGD for lifetime listing and lifetime premium listing.



If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

